Axis Wealth Partners


Why should I work with a financial advisor?

The more complex your life becomes the more likely it will be that you’ll benefit from a personal relationship with a financial advisor. As your life changes and grows, you’ll enjoy the benefits of having a financial plan created by a qualified financial advisor.

What is a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal and ethical relationship of trust with clients. They are legally bound to make recommendations in the best interest of those clients.

What can I expect during my initial meeting?

We position our Discovery Meetings to serve as much more than just an initial consultation. We want to learn as much as we can about your situation and the people and things that are important to you. This includes understanding your long-term financial goals and what it takes to get you there. This is also an opportunity for you to learn about our firm. The Discovery Meeting gives you the chance to see how we work, ask questions and to help determine if we’ll be a good fit for you.

Do we have to meet in person?

You choose! While we love to interact with our clients face-to-face, there are many reasons this is not always feasible. We feel confident that we can deliver a great experience to you whether we meet in person, virtually, or over the phone. Although we are based in Rhode Island, this also allows us to serve clients all over the country and helps eliminate a distance barrier. This is also an opportunity for you to learn about our firm. The Discovery Meeting gives you the chance to see how we work, ask questions and to help determine if we’ll be a good fit for you.

What is the minimum needed to work with Axis Wealth Partners?

We believe that everyone deserves to get expert financial advice. For that reason, we don’t operate with account minimums, but rather with what we call household minimums, which differ from situation to situation. A household minimum is determined after assessing your needs, the level of service that would best fit your circumstances, and our expectation for the impact we can make on your life. Because of this, we are best fit for successful families with over $250k in assets or growing families committed to building a long-term plan. We also work with families and professionals that are committed to building and funding their long-term financial plan.

How does Axis Wealth Partners get paid?

We offer our services based on an annual advisory fee, ranging from starting at 1.50% and going down from there based upon household assets. The fee is determined by the level of assets on which we are directly advising. This annual fee is assessed monthly, based on the portfolio’s average daily balance. For financial plans, clients will pay a flat fee based on the complexity and time involved in completing the plan. We believe this approach keeps our interests aligned with yours. The only way we make more is if you make more. We make less if you make less. This alignment of interests is essential to your trust in us

East Providence, RI

  • 400 Massasoit Avenue, Suite 112  

    East Providence, RI, 02914 
  • (401) 441-5111

Westport, MA

  • 909 State Road,
    Westport, MA 02790
  • (508) 444-0581

East Greenwich, RI

  • 670 Main Street, Suite C-4
    East Greenwich, RI 02818
  • (401) 388-0911

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