Jane McAuliffe, CDFA® Partner, Senior Financial Advisor

P: 401.388.0911 +text

E: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise

Favorite quote:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma-which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

-Steve Jobs

What I enjoy most about being a part of the Axis team:

After having multiple roles at large investment firms being a financial advisor, I’ve realized the best model for me is to work in is a smaller fee-based advisory firm with a team that is cohesive, supportive, and forward-thinking.   At Axis, our team is comprised of a group of not only talented, intelligent advisors with a depth and breadth of experience, but we are all friends who share business ideas that will enhance our firm overall.  This opportunity has allowed me to freely pursue my niche in divorce financial planning working with couples and individuals going through this significant life change and given me the flexibility to run my practice as I see fit.  As a result, I have experienced significant growth in my practices since joining the firm in 2017.  I am proud to be named a Partner in a firm that cares about each other’s successes not only in business but in our personal lives, and that directly translates into how we work with our clients.

Where I can be found outside the office:

  • The football field, field hockey field, basketball court, baseball, and softball field with my two teenage children and dog
  • Dancing and singing along at a country music concert
  • Spending time at the beach
  • Cooking
  • Golfing
  • Reading

My proudest professional accomplishment:

I was divorced in 2014 and decided to return to an investment advisory role and pursue the divorce financial planning niche as part of my practice.  It felt like a natural fit for me since I had experienced all the emotions- fears, sadness, and anxiety about my financial future- during my own divorce.  Choosing to practice in this niche sounds crazy to some people, but I have loved every day of doing what I do since taking this path.  I have been able to not only build an advisory practice from scratch, but also have built a successful divorce financial planning and mediation firm to help advise and guide clients on making good decisions who are in the same emotional place that I was in back in 2014.  The best advocacy comes from a place of knowing and having experienced the same issues and concerns that your clients have as well.  I love that each day is a new learning experience and new challenge to help solve with and for clients.   The most rewarding part of my role is to experience great joy and celebration with clients who have successfully come out the other side of a life event as financially independent individuals who are confident about their future financial path.   The fact that I get to be a trusted advisor and walk beside my clients during life’s lowest of lows and the highest of highs – this is certainly the greatest aspect of my career!

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